Ceremonial Kachinas'

Ceremonial Kachinas'
Two of the many kachinas' that perform during the Summer months at ten (10) villages. The dolls above were made by me. The dolls are given to females during our ceremonies. Males receive a bow and arrows. However, they are also sold to the public.

Monday, December 7, 2009


The Kivas are an underground chamber in the pueblo home where they talk, pray, and have religious ceremonies. They used the kivas for 100s of years. The center of the floor had a fire pit.
You had to climb down a ladder to get to the south end where a a bench was placed for spectators. At the north end was a small hole in the floor as a reminder of sipapu [a mound (4th World entrance) at the foot of the Grand Canyon].

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About Me

Going to college at an elder age, born April 15, 1943. Enjoy carving kachina dolls, beadwork, leather craft, painting and all sports.